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Image of outstretched hand with diffracted rainbow colours falling across it
Inclusive: the long and strange evolution of a script idea
My drama script Inclusive is not complex but I have been creating it, working on it, amending it, deleting it and starting from scratch, renaming it, changing the whole concept, changing the emphasis, changing the characters and so on and so on for S...
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A full moon rising over trees
So when is Easter?
Whenever two or three Christians are gathered together they ask - when is Easter this year? The church year would be oh so simple if it weren’t for Easter (although, of course, there wouldn't be a church if it wasn't for Easter). As everyone inside o...
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Coloured crayons in a line
Now its easier to use my scripts than ever
I have always tried to be generous in the way I allow you to use my drama scripts, but recently I have come to the conclusion that I needed to make it even easier for you to use my work the way you need to. From the first time I made a drama script a...
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