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Prayers for the Third Sunday of Easter (B) - Confusion and Understanding

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Third Sunday of Easter, Year B

Inspired by Luke 24:36b-48 and Acts 3:12-19.


 Opening prayers or Call to worship

As we gather, Lord, meet with us here.

Take our confusion

and help us to see,

to know,

to understand.

Lord, clear our heads and clear our eyes

and give us peace.







There are many things in this world that leave us confused:

confused about what things mean, who is right, what even is real.

We are baffled by technology and moral arguments and ancient rules

and we aren’t sure that we understand each other or even ourselves.

We need you to stand here and help us.

As you stood where all the apostles could see you,

so help us to see:

see the real issues beyond the attention-grabbing headlines;

see the real person behind the labels and gossip;

see the real lives that need picking up.

[we think of… or brief pause]

Lord help us to see your world clearly.

As you let the apostles know for sure,

so teach us to know:

know what is going on in the world around us;

know which are the truths and which the lies;

know which things matter and which really don’t;

know true friends and walk with them.

[we think of… or brief pause]

Lord teach us to know the truth.

As you guided your apostles toward understanding,

so guide us to understand:

understand our small part of a vast and magnificent universe;

understand the sometimes complex and baffling issues of modern life;

understand what you are really telling us;

understand each other.

[we think of… or brief pause]

Lord guide us to understand.

As you met with your apostles and brought them your peace,

so give us that same peace.

Not the peace that comes from apathy or ignorance or looking the other way,

but the peace to live each part of our messy lives in your name.

Let each of us receive that peace, live in it and enthusiastically pass it on to the world around.  

In the name of the risen Lord


© Rod Belt 2012

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